It’s hard to imagine a time where we didn’t have vehicles to transport us around. Whether we’re commuting, transporting a range of goods from A to B or just enjoying the scenery from the comfort of a moving window. Cars and vans have revolutionised the way we live.

In recent years, cars and vans have moved from just being a passive part of our lives, to become mobile advertising boards. The art of vehicle wrapping means you can transform your car, van, truck or even a bus into anything you want. 

Whether you want to change the colour, add graphics or completely transform a vehicle, wrapping it is the obvious way to go. It has become increasingly popular in recent years since it has removed the need for a complicated or expensive respray. Now, let’s look at what you can expect from a vehicle wrap.

Car Wrapping

In basic terms, vehicle wrapping involves large pieces of vinyl being applied to vehicle panels. The vinyl pieces are self-adhesive on one side. They can cover a small area or wrap the entire vehicle. The vinyl panels can be any colour and allow you to add logos, photos, text or any other aspect of branding. They usually come in rolls that measure 60 inches wide and 25 feet long. This is usually enough to completely wrap the average car.

To create car wrapping that looks perfect, the vehicle in question needs to be measured. Without accurate measurements, the vehicle wrap won’t fit properly when applied and won’t look like a second skin it should. 

With the measurements taken, you would then choose the colour you want. As well as the finish and any graphics you want to add. Once the design is complete, the panels are printed and laminated to protect them. The lamination has two uses. It helps to protect the car wrapping from scratches and abrasions the vehicle may encounter while on the road. It also protects it from the sun’s UV rays to stop the colours from fading over time.

With the vehicle measured, the graphics designed, and the pieces printed, it’s time to apply them to the vehicle. The first thing to do is to ensure the surface of the vehicle is clean. If there is anything on the surface when you apply a car wrap, then any bump or even air bubbles will be visible and will undoubtedly distract from the finished look. The rule-of-thumb is that if you can feel it with your fingers, it will show up when the graphics are applied. This means even the smallest imperfection will be amplified.

Vehicle Graphics

It’s worth remembering that the people applying the vehicle graphics will also need to remove things like mirrors and moulding from your vehicle. This is because it is not only quicker than trying to work around them, it will make the wrap look much better once they’re reinstalled.

With your vehicle wrapped, then it’s time to take your new mobile advertising campaign on the road. High-quality vehicle graphics should last about 5 years, if not more. Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. A high-quality wrap will last so much longer and look so much better than a cheaper one.

The adhesive used on car wrapping isn’t designed to be permanent, so don’t worry if you change your logo or want to change the design later. The modern adhesive won’t damage your paintwork and can be removed quite easily.

Having a wrap on your vehicle is both cost-effective and an incredibly easy way to get your brand message out there. Even if your vehicle is starting to look its age, a full wrap will make it look brand new again. Compare the price of a wrap to a full respray and you’ll see what an easy choice it is to make.

Contact Us Today

Thank you for reading this month’s blog. If you are interested in any of our car wrapping or vehicle graphics services, give us a call today on 01733 341 556. Or fill in the enquiry form on our contact page today.